Wednesday, January 27, 2010


In business activities, a business ethics can maintain a good business rules, far from being greedy and selfishness, so that the business as a mediator in the form of a loving community with each other. In business, both parties have required adequate capacity to conduct business transactions. This includes the ability to distinguish good and bad, and not under duress and did not have the assumption that there is the right to vote. God forbid to do business directly with the weak reason. In surat Al-Baqarah verse 282: If the borrower is not strong or weak reason (it) or he himself could not mengimlakkan, then let his guardian mengimlakkan honestly.

Weak reason people can come from God and those who are weak because of what human reason itself. The weak reason because it comes from God, such as a lunatic, idiot, fainting, sleep, pain and death. Crazy can occur because there is brain damage caused due to depression. Crazy can eliminate a person's ability in the sense he was carrying out his task, so that all activities undertaken by it could be null and void and vain, no trace at all. Obligation to pay zakat on his property is not contradictory, but bear dirusakannya goods. However, be accountable to the guardian.

Idiot is a weakness of the intellect because of the weakness of consciousness and perception. Idiot does not eliminate the ability to think on the whole, but reduced capacity to think. All the activities of these idiot people who identified with the activities of a small child who has reason. During the activity merely useful, it can still be allowed, but if the activity is dangerous, it is considered null and void. If sometimes useful and sometimes harmful, depending on the law guardian.

Meanwhile, sleep and eliminate unconscious competence with a perfect duty, because the barometer is a reasonable competence. Sleep and eliminate unconscious mind and prevent the ability to choose. However, sleeping and fainting does not diminish the responsibility of breaking things.

God also forbade to do business directly with people who are not perfectly understand. In a letter of An-Nisaa 'verse 5-6: And do not leave it to people who have not perfect reason, the property (those who are in your power) which God made the subject of life. Give them shopping and clothing (from the results of the treasure) and speak to them words of good. And test the orphans until they are old enough to marry. Then if they think tealah intelligent (smart maintain property), then yield to them the treasure-treasure. And do not feed the orphan's property more than the limit of the fit and (do not) in a hurry (spending) before they mature. Whoever (among the keepers that) able, he should refrain (from consuming the orphan's property) and if any poor: then he ate it, according to property worth. Then when you leave property to them, you should invent the witnesses (of surrender) for them. And enough is Allah as a Supervisor (the testimony).

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If I were asked what the best browser to surf good on the internet ..? , My answer, "depending keperluanya ... and good in terms of what it ...?"
I regularly open and memerikasa my blogs with various browsers yg sy think many people use, like mozilla firefox, internet explorer, opera, safari, netscape. I did a survey like that of course because of the consideration that the visitors / readers of blogs sy using or familiar with a different browser. because it is in fact a web page / blog will have different performance when the open with other browsers and one of his, even as the technical factors of the design / template to perform a site-ancuran ancur on a particular browser.
Maybe we are the monetary, bloggers, webmasters can say or familiar with popular browsers such as firefox or opera, but his fact-Indonesia the majority of Internet users still use Internet Explorer, and even wrote a long version. I know this because I am a practitioner of computer techniques well-connected directly with the users, which they taunya if you want to open internet internet explorer yes, and no matter which version of the browser ie. and of course if a user visited the great sites managed and wrote in a professional context in the design using any browser not too influential.
I share this because prior to this writing sy surf to multiple sites, including blogs co-wrote a lot yg suport only at 1-2 just a browser, and if in the open with other browsers, cluttered, and even pages not sticking ... and it certainly can be a serious problem if the link with the traffic and business on our blogs .... so you might need to check and consider the template / theme wrote at least not used to be the perfect opening to the 4th largest user yg browser current, ie, internet explorer, firefox, opera, google chrome.
Internet Explorer users are at most due to the built-in in Microsoft Windows, the advantages of IE, especially on full compatibility in JavaScript, in comparing Opera, Firefox, google chrome .., the problem is the speed of IE if it says more slowly than the other reply, is because of the large memory consumption wrote in asking for keperluanya own IE, such as updates and other, even in windows in "Reservable bandwidth requested 20% of the bandwidth limit yg used, to maximize can read this post I wrote: Fasterfox download. IE is also too much to give anticipatory feature non-users, such as ActiveX which grant more extensive that there might have misused, and to write this sy sy according to IE is more vulnerable in attacking the virus or hijacker, in an appeal such as firefox .... for a long time IE is often a problem with the design on the table do not reply or overflow text carefully, but for version 7 skrg sy look much better already.
Mozilla Firefox is a browser reply powerful, but more wasteful consuming memory on your PC or any other appeal IE, Firefox can be a full performance on a PC wrote his memory grew, while IE still can work on your PC maximum memorynya paspasan reply. in all things firefox can say this in a good performance of most other browsers, if supported memory fitting reply, but still better JavaScript support IE okay.
OPERA, indeed beautiful, fast and powerful, just not as good JavaScript support IE or Firefox.
Ggoogle Chrome, I thought was normal, and I value is still in the experimental stage, such as not serious in the handle,
If I open the email, forums, mailing lists more nyanman use IE, the goal in order to more freely access the javascript reply bahan2 possible, to create, design or blogging sy pake firefox because of all the features and accessories needed reply more quickly in the can with firefox, and all blogger template yg sy sy already made tests on all the browsers I mentioned in the reply above, if I just want to surf, jalan2 in nature use the Internet more convenient opera, because it was fast and practical.

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Messenger s.a.w. prohibits selling sales by rival brother and sister offer rival bid. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. he said the Messenger of Allah, said: "Do you sell your brother sales" (Bukhari).
From Abu Hurairah r.a. he said: "The Messenger s.a.w. prohibits the selling of goods (merchandise) and the village people do not membohongkan prices of goods and do not compete with someone selling price brother; do not offer something that was in his brother's bidding and do not ask a woman to be divorced brother (honey) to spill the contents bejananya "( Bukhari). Another History of Abu Hurairah r.a. he said the Messenger of Allah, said: "Do you meet a group of people driving (caravans); do not be sold at a price to rival others selling price, do not membohongkan prices of goods, people should not sell off the city belongs to the village and do not hold your goat's milk, and Whoever bought it, he must choose between the two after diperahnya, if he liked to be continuing, and if not, should return and added with segantang dates "(Bukhari).
According to Ibn Hajar Al-Fath Asqalani in the Book Baari, the scholars said, "Selling something is in the process is the unlawful sale, so buy something that is in the process of purchasing. An example of this is someone saying to the buyer at the time was still valid vote (khiyar). "Cancel the deal, I'll sell you the same goods at lower prices." Or he said to the vendor "Cancel the sale and purchase and I will buy from you with a more expensive price." This law is a matter which has been agreed. The picture offered something that was on offer others is by telling the person being offered, "Give me that stuff, I'll sell you the better stuff from him with a similar price, or items that seem a cheaper price." Or he said to the owner of the goods "Take back your things, I'll buy from you with a better price." The ban is applicable when the price has been agreed by both parties. If so, then there is no difference of opinion that the purchase or bid is unlawful. Then Ibn Hazm menukil of Imam Malik, he argues that the law on the hadith above apply if the seller and buyer have agreed. Then Ibn Hazm said that the wording of hadith does not show it. However, there is need for guidelines regarding when forbidden to offer goods that are offered by others, for offering goods that are sold to people who can provide additional price (auction) is not prohibited by agreement scholars, such as dinukil by Ibn Abd al-Barr. So, what is forbidden is offering more than that. Some scholars exclude Shafi'i madzab prohibition "buy" and "bargain" items are purchased or offered by others, if the buyer is not cheated and harmed, so that the opinion of Ibn Hazm, as she quoted a hadith "Religion is advice." Semetara that, the majority of scholars said that the purchase or offer goods that are purchased or offered by others including the sale of legitimate, but pelakuknya sinful. Whereas in the Maliki and Hanbali madzab about the destruction of such sale had been dinukil two opinions. As for the scholars madzab Az-Zhahiri firmly say that the sale is invalid.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010


Ant is an animal which enshrined by Allah in the Qur'an in Surat An-Naml (ants). God calls in this letter so that people take a lesson from the life of ants. Ants are animals that live in groups in the ground, making holes and space as a terraced house and the barn where winter food stores. Neatness and discipline contained in the ant kingdom as part of that must be emulated by humans. Ants also have the ability to cooperate with other animals, one of them is aphids.
Type ant and some aphids have a symbiotic relationship called. In symbiosis, different animal species help each other. Aphids are small insects that move slowly, live plants and feed on nectar. Nectar is sucked from the tree trunk with a sharp mouth and long. When ingested, nectar turned into a sweet substance called honey dew. This material was then issued by the lice through organs called kornikula. This honey dew favorite food of red ants, which eat as much as they can be produced by the aphids. With cattle aphids, ants have a backup that is always readily available.
To protect the reserve honey dew, ant very concerned about his aphids. For example, an ant infestation is to move a lot nektarnya place, and if the food search area becomes too crowded, ants, lice will move to an area that is more lax. Ants also attack any insects trying to eat the aphids, even though the attacker may be much larger than the ants themselves. Scientists have been obtained certainty when or how this special relationship began. However, with the discovery of the ants and aphids that have become fossilized together, proved that these two types of insects have helped each other since at least 30 million years ago.
The story of ants and aphids, according to Stephen R. Covey called the effectiveness, which is a balance between production and production capacity. Production is the result of a chill, the honey dew. While production capacity is the ability or asset that produces honey dew, namely aphids. Ant trying to maintain and protect aphids best, so that aphids are still producing honey embut. Ants effective action.
In business, we often seek profit or short-term results with production or impair the ability of physical assets, such as cars, computers, telephone, fax, and even our bodies or our environment. We rarely maintain or care for cars, computers, telephone and fax. Once the asset is damaged, then we realized that the asset is a key asset. The cost to repair these assets much more expensive than maintaining these assets on a regular basis. So we have to do things that are not effective.
We also often talk about customer service. We often ignore those who deal with customers, ie employees. So we just realized after customers gradually left us. Trust and loyalty to us is lost. Usually we just blame employee. That action is not effective. If we want our employees to treat customers well, then we also have to treat our employees like customers. "You can buy someone's hand, but was never able to buy his heart. His heart is the place to be enthusiasm, loyalty. You can buy his back, but can not buy brains. That's where his creativity, his intelligence, his wits. "Said Stephen R. Covey. To effectively acts or were able to realize the synergies we have to learn to ants and aphids.

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Losses-Losses will produce people who will take revenge, blind to the fact that the murder was suicide. Revenge is a double-edged sword, able to kill the enemy at once can kill themselves. There are people who become centered on the enemy, so totally obsessed with the behavior of his opponent to the point that becomes blind to everything but their desire for him to lose, hostile conflict, a philosophy which is very exhausting war. Lose-lose philosophy is also very dependent person, without direction from the inside, who suffer and think everyone else should suffer too. Instead, Win-Win is a frame of mind and heart continue to seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-Win means that agreements or solutions provide benefits beyond timbale. With a Win-Win solution, all parties are happy with the decision and felt bound by tindakaanya plan. Win-Win to see life as a cooperative arena, not competitive. Most people tend to think in dichotomies, strong or weak, hard or soft, manang or lose. However, such thinking is fundamentally flawed. This way of thinking based on power and position rather than on principle. Win-Win is based on the paradigm that there is a lot for everybody, that one person's success is not achieved at the expense or remove other people's success. Thus the word. Stephen R. Covey.

Think Win-Win is the habit of interpersonal leadership, which requires the exercise of the unique human gift, such as conscience, self-awareness, imagination and free will are framed with a noble morality and obedience to the Creator, Allah. Morals are the basis of the Win-Win and others built on the basis of morality is. Tenderness, kepemaafan, empathy with others, communicate with active listening, working hard and always bersrah to God is a noble character.
Empathic communication is communication with active listening, namely communication by responding to what was said, intended and the other person's feelings. Communication is the other person solve the problem alone. Empathic communication is a central circle of successful leadership. Once Ali ibn Abi Talib (in-law and nephew of the Prophet) asked the Messenger of his love to her and Fatimah (the Prophet's daughter). "O Messenger of Allah. why hast thou more than I love Fatima? "asked Ali. Prophet smiled and then answered "Yes Ali, I love Fatima's more than you, but I love you more than Fatima".

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


A good entrepreneur must have the soul of a leader. The success of an organization or company, is determined by the leader. Center circle of leadership is communication. Communication is an art or a way to communicate something, to get others to understand us. "Communication is the most important skill in life. We spend most of our awake hours to communicate "said Stephen R. Covey. Subordinates in solving problems, we tend to rush in, to fix things with good advice. But we often fail, especially the failure to take the time to diagnose the problem to really understand in depth the problem first. We usually try to dimengeri first. Most people do not listen with the intention of frightening, but they heard to answer. They are ready to talk, filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's lives. To try to understand first, we need a paradigm shift that is not easy. We have been taught since childhood to speak, write and read. We are not taught, how good to hear that. Heard there are several levels, ranging from not trying to hear, pretending to listen, to hear only the part that we enjoy it, listen with full attention and active listening Active Listening is the central point of communication. Active listening more effectively used, if

other person has a problem. Starting from problems experienced by children, teenagers, their parents until problems in the company. Active listening goal is to help the other person go from a problem that looks to the underlying problems or real problems, prevent you from giving solving problems, helping the other person to solve problems independently and stimulate a warmer relationship.

Active listening is to hear the response to words, intentions and feelings of the speaker. In response, words, intentions and feelings of other person, then the other person would be delighted, because feelings can dilesap little by little, could be more friendly and more profound love. The other person will begin to listen to you and become more responsible. You do not have to be "super people".

One of my staff, often not in the office. Usually the personnel to call and ask him to come in and given a warning kadangkali. Often it is precisely these employees often do not even work. My experience teaches that not so in the employee handle. I am doing with actively mendengarkanm why he did not come to work. "Is there a problem, why you often do not come to work?" I asked. "No sir" he said simply "What can I help you?" I said. "No sir" he said simply. "But why?" I asked. "Well sir. My maid, when I want to go to work out with high school kids, so I waited until the kids are leaving high school or, occasionally, often do not enter. By dating the maid, my son palingkecil not preserved, even had my son go into the pool, so that once worried sayakan sir "he replied. "What can I Bantu, so that these problems can be done?" Ask me. "I can finish it yourself" she said. Since then, my staff is always entered. From there we can find the main problem, why he often does not enter. With active listening, we do not need to solve the problem, but he was able to finish it himself. Active listening is the central point of communication, one that determines the success of an entrepreneur. Active listening is a powerful weapon for an entrepreneur.

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Competition determines the market targeting the company. Corporate enterprises should examine the position of competitors and decide the best position. Positioning is the act of designing the company's image and value offered so that customers in a segment to understand and appreciate the company's position in relation to competitors. Positioning task consists of three steps: identify possible competitive advantage to be used, choose the most appropriate and is effectively sent to the market requirement of the position of the selected companies. Product positioning strategy of the company will then move allows the company to kinkan next step, namely the marketing plan used competing strategies. can be grouped according to the value of positioning, according to competitors, according to the benefits, according to usage, according to the user, meurut product categories, and. according to attribute

Positioning according to the value of the product is positioned as a leader in offering the best value. Values influenced the quality and price. Pertamina and oil MESRAN offering quality products that have the ability to protect the engine. Oli also get a certificate of quality from the international certification agencies. Besides also equipped with elegant packaging will add value for consumers who dibidiknya, so consumers are expected to feel satisfied. With integrated marketing communications, eventually became the brand of oil MESRAN line in Indonesia. Mesran oil ad with the slogan "More Satisfied with MESRAN".

Likewise with Polytron for audio brand, positioning products with sound quality and quality after sales service to provide value to customers. Polytron always improve the quality of the innovation through research and development of non-stop. Has obtained several awards including the Best Seller in 2005 for Audio Home System and GfK Certified Indonesia, Adi Anugrah Asli Indonesia Product, Indonesia Gold Award of Good Design for the product Slim Mini Compo Polytron PSC200, Inovation Award for the Home Theater Television, Indonesia Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) and the Best Company Award instrumental in the development of Technology from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Polytron also received Top Brand Award from the Frontier Consulting Group.

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Benefits by positioning the product is positioned as a leader in a particular benefit. Benefits include manfat symbolic, functional benefits and benefits based on experience. Successful positioning requires communication strategies that can draw attention to one customer's needs, whether symbolic, functional and experimental.

Positioning is based on the benefits of symbolic positioning using attraction for someone to have the desire to possess objects of successful people. Symbolic benefits still apply in Indonesia, Mercy cars, BMW and Volvo mostly found in Indonesia, even Jaguar and Ferrari began to be found in the metropolis. Conversely, if the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which we find only the Proton or Perodua cars, very few cars as we temuai Mercy, BMW and Volvo. "Consumers who buy an expensive car to show success in a career. By buying an expensive car, which they obtained success can be seen by others "said one customer Mercy. Though really just a false success, but in Indonesia this sibol benefits many are still chasing him. BMW uses the slogan "The Ultimate Driving Machine".

Positioning is based on the functional benefits on the basis of positioning the functional benefits of these products. Bimoli cooking oil using functional benefits by using "cooking oil with the best quality with the content of omega-9". Benefits of omega 9 is said to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and the relative heat resistance. Similarly ProXL using functional positioning based on the slogan "Not Just Talk".

Positioning based on experimental determination of benefits based on the position in the customer experience using the product both appearance and comfort. Viva face powder using experimental based positioning. With the slogan "suitable for tropical skin". Most use Viva mother and brother because they use it. Youth group woke up not only alone but because of their compatibility with the skin or the convenience to use it. Viva is a local brand that could last more than 45 years of the onslaught of global brands with a wider variety of sharp competition. Viva remains the Top Brand of Indonesia to face powder category.

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Benefits by positioning the product is positioned as a leader in a particular benefit. Benefits include manfat symbolic, functional benefits and benefits based on experience. Successful positioning requires communication strategies that can draw attention to one customer's needs, whether symbolic, functional and experimental.

Positioning is based on the benefits of symbolic positioning using attraction for someone to have the desire to possess objects of successful people. Symbolic benefits still apply in Indonesia, Mercy cars, BMW and Volvo mostly found in Indonesia, even Jaguar and Ferrari began to be found in the metropolis. Conversely, if the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which we find only the Proton or Perodua cars, very few cars as we temuai Mercy, BMW and Volvo. "Consumers who buy an expensive car to show success in a career. By buying an expensive car, which they obtained success can be seen by others "said one customer Mercy. Though really just a false success, but in Indonesia this sibol benefits many are still chasing him. BMW uses the slogan "The Ultimate Driving Machine".

Positioning is based on the functional benefits on the basis of positioning the functional benefits of these products. Bimoli cooking oil using functional benefits by using "cooking oil with the best quality with the content of omega-9". Benefits of omega 9 is said to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and the relative heat resistance. Similarly ProXL using functional positioning based on the slogan "Not Just Talk".

Positioning based on experimental determination of benefits based on the position in the customer experience using the product both appearance and comfort. Viva face powder using experimental based positioning. With the slogan "suitable for tropical skin". Most use Viva mother and brother because they use it. Youth group woke up not only alone but because of their compatibility with the skin or the convenience to use it. Viva is a local brand that could last more than 45 years of the onslaught of global brands with a wider variety of sharp competition. Viva remains the Top Brand of Indonesia to face powder category.

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