Wednesday, November 25, 2009


If functionality focused on corporate talent management processes to achieve certain results, then the vitality focus on attitudes and ways of thinking people to be responsible to the process, not only in human resources, but the entire line and all the way to the top of the organization. Vitality has three characteristics of commitment, promise, and accountability. Writes Douglan A Ready and Jay Conger A published Harvard Business Review in June 2007.
To build commitment, P & G to build internal education programs that provide opportunities to take real responsibility in working on important projects using the company's full resources. Extensive internal program can be a channel organization, because it is time that can be used to encourage managers, train and advise internally. At HSBC, commitment to the future leaders Green personified by stating "Nothing is more important than the right to take the commitment ... all the way taken by the senior position of the most influential. "Executive line directly participate in the process, in cooperation with the functions and resources of regional centers to fill important positions.

The promise reflects the degree of commitment to corporate leaders to talent management in detail. P & G employees in the development of promising career from day to day that started at the company. They work with their hiring managers and those who develop the P & G called 'the circulation of career development'. To which has a high potential, P & G introduced a 'work intended' to be achieved only if the employee to continue doing, to give the impression and show potential to grow. Accountability implemented by all stakeholders to create a system and talent development process went well. "At P & G career planning for all the general manager and vice president and the talent pool in accordance with the referred to as the 165 top companies," said Lafley, CEO of P & G. While at HSBC, the executives responsible for the talent pool and maintain a heartfelt talent management processes.

Companies who admired the world has a good process in developing the talents of employees to prepare future leaders. Usually the process is relatively easy to imitate by competitors. Something hard to imitate by competitors is the spirit, which is part of vitality. Morale is a measure used to build the company's corporate culture is. The spirit of personnel should be properly maintained to keep high-performing companies. Which is based on the spirit of a noble vision and sustained by prayer is the secret weapon.

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Ant is an animal which enshrined by Allah in the Qur'an in Surat An-Naml (ants). God calls in this letter so that people take a lesson from the life of ants. Ants are animals that live in groups in the ground, making holes and space as a terraced house and the barn where winter food stores. Neatness and discipline contained in the ant kingdom as part of that must be emulated by humans. Ants also have the ability to cooperate with other animals, one of them is aphids.

Type ant and some aphids have a symbiotic relationship called. In symbiosis, different animal species help each other. Aphids are small insects that move slowly, live plants and feed on nectar. Nectar is sucked from the tree trunk with a sharp mouth and long. When ingested, nectar turned into a sweet substance called honey dew. This material was then issued by the lice through organs called kornikula. This honey dew favorite food of red ants, which eat as much as they can be produced by the aphids. With cattle aphids, ants have a backup that is always readily available.

To protect the reserve honey dew, ant very concerned about his aphids. For example, an ant infestation is to move a lot nektarnya place, and if the food search area becomes too crowded, ants, lice will move to an area that is more lax. Ants also attack any insects trying to eat the aphids, even though the attacker may be much larger than the ants themselves. Scientists have been obtained certainty when or how this special relationship began. However, with the discovery of the ants and aphids that have become fossilized together, proved that these two types of insects have helped each other since at least 30 million years ago.

The story of ants and aphids, according to Stephen R. Covey called the effectiveness, which is a balance between production and production capacity. Production is the result of a chill, the honey dew. While production capacity is the ability or asset that produces honey dew, namely aphids. Ant trying to maintain and protect aphids best, so that aphids are still producing honey embut. Ants effective action.

In business, we often seek profit or short-term results with production or impair the ability of physical assets, such as cars, computers, telephone, fax, and even our bodies or our environment. We rarely maintain or care for cars, computers, telephone and fax. Once the asset is damaged, then we realized that the asset is a key asset. The cost to repair these assets much more expensive than maintaining these assets on a regular basis. So we have to do things that are not effective.

We also often talk about customer service. We often ignore those who deal with customers, ie employees. So we just realized after customers gradually left us. Trust and loyalty to us is lost. Usually we just blame employee. That action is not effective. If we want our employees to treat customers well, then we also have to treat our employees like customers. "You can buy someone's hand, but was never able to buy his heart. His heart is the place to be enthusiasm, loyalty. You can buy his back, but can not buy brains. That's where his creativity, his intelligence, his wits. "Said Stephen R. Covey. Proved effective for the acts we must learn to ants and aphids.

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Working ability should be able to display the packaging. Working ability can be, the ability to protect the contents of the product, ease of storage, ease of use the product, protects from damage and environmentally friendly. Packaging of drugs and food have the ability to protect drugs and food in it and easy to store. For motor oil or car that has the ability to package the work if the oil can be poured or ease of use.
In addition to the physical product is also labeled for identification purposes, determining the level, description and explanation of the campaign. In general, any law that rules set manufacturers to include specific information on the labels of products for the clarity and consumer protection. Fast-food companies to change from plastic packaging to the paper can be recycled for environmental friendly.

Many companies are developing smart packaging with packaging that includes a magnetic strip, bar codes and chips that have the ability to communicate with various devices, such as computers or other electronic equipment. With the smart packaging products where the seller has become easy to process these products right from purchase to sale.

Packaging in addition to considering the consumer's ability to work, should also consider the retailer's ability to work from the economic side. Consumers and retailers prefer the packaging that really keep the food in it so as not stale or damaged. But for manufacturers to provide packaging that has the ability to work it requires a relatively large cost, so sometimes with no ability to provide a packaging manufacturer that has the capability of this work may cause consumers and retailers are feeling disappointed.

In conclusion, the majority of the entire package does not run properly VIEW criteria, because the interests of each pack has different purposes and vary from one product category to other product categories. Emotional appeal of dominate several products like perfume. The appeal of information is important for basic food products and medicines. While the visibility and attractiveness of public employment skills needed by all products. Even so the package should be adjusted with the market situation and competitive conditions

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Globalization and free markets is imagined as an effort to increase global efficiency. Global trade helped many countries to grow more rapidly. Globalization also makes developing countries have access to knowledge that can not be obtained previously. Globalization (which is usually associated with receiving a true capitalist style, American style) is progress of developing countries must accept it, if they want to grow and fight poverty effectively. But for most people in developing countries, globalization has not brought the promised economic benefits (Stiglitz, 2002:6).

Globalization, in practice the weak efficiency of the world should pay for the welfare of the strong. South finance global efficiency for the benefit and progress of the North. The increasingly wide gap between the rich and the poor has led to more and more people in the Third World became increasingly poor. In 1990, 2718 billion people live on less than $ 2 per day, whereas in 1998 the number of poor people who live with less money than $ 2 per day estimated at 2801 billion. This happens with respect to the total increase in the actual world income by an average of 2.5% per year (World Bank, 2000:29).

Globalization has not succeeded in reducing poverty and has not managed to guarantee stability. Crisis in Asia and Latin America have threatened the economy and the stability of developing countries, even the crisis of 1997 and 1998 is a threat to the entire world economy. Even greater crisis happened before. Economic crisis, the largest financial and banking in the United States in the 1930s, which is closed or assisted 9106. In Table 1.1, indicated the number of banks in the United States are closed or assisted (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 2004).

Globalization and the introduction of market economy has not given the results promised in Russia and for most other economies that are doing the transition from communism to a market economy system. Instead the system produces such great poverty (Stiglitz, 2002:7). Petras and Velmeyer (2001) more strongly than that mentioned above, globalization is the new Imperialism, in its form as the new international system of global capitalist class, the TNCs (transnational corporations) that currently amount to 37,000), the World Bank, IMF , IFIS (international financial institutions as the global financial network), G-7, TC (Trilateral Commission and the WEF (the World Economic Forum).

Mid-1997 crisis also hit Indonesia, and even Indonesia is a country that suffered the most severe. Economic growth the previous year of about 7% per year fell sharply to - 13.7% and inflation reached 77.6% in 1998 (Sabirin, 2003:45). It turned out that globalization is not increasing prosperity, but for the third world, globalization actually increases poverty.

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By Stephen P Robbins, a team can produce a positive synergy when done with a coordinated effort. Efforts of each individual can produce a higher performance than the sum of the input of each individual. Teams can be classified according to the target consists of a team problem-solving, self-managed teams, cross-functional teams and virtual teams. The team consists of fixers 5 to 12 people from the same department, met a few hours a week to discuss improving the quality, efficiency and work environment.

Self-managed team of 10 to 15 people who took the responsibility of the previous supervisor. General Electric, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, PepsiCo, Xerox uses a self-managed teams. Cross-functional teams consisting of employees at the same hierarchical level but different field, who work together to do a task. BMW, DaimlerCrysler, Ford, Honda, IBM, Nissan and Toyota use a cross-functional teams. Virtual teams using information technology to link together the members are physically separated in order to achieve a common goal. Virtual teams to collaborate online, not just a separate room, but separated between continents.

High performance team has found a common characteristic. The team is likely to be small. With people with three different types of technical skills, problem solving and decision-making, and interpersonal. With this skill right people engage in various roles. The team has a commitment to common purpose, establish specific goals, and have the leadership and structure to provide focus and direction.

Microsoft just hire smart people and then formed small teams to work on creative projects within a certain time. Every individual has a role in accordance with the knowledge and skills of each. Each unit in this company doing the work with a relatively similar pattern, namely a working team which is relatively small and together to complete the task successfully. Each work team at Microsoft, has the freedom to determine how best to complete the task with their creativity. Yet still framed by certain guidelines. Small decisions is still a small team leader power. The design of the project objectives and activities are always presented to all members to be discussed together. Each work team proposed an approach that will be used to complete the project. The proposal is then discussed and discussed.

"He who went to meet the needs of his brother, then it is better than ten years iktikaf. He who iktikaf draw closer to God, then God will take away the Fire three trenches between him. Each one trench greater distance than the distance between the east and west, "the words of the Prophet Muhammad.

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In the harsh business world today, sometimes we kill each other and robbing each property. Right elbow-elbow just want to get the property banya. Trying to hit people hard and subordinates arbitrarily, we as a boss arena. Fasting month is easy to become the school we hope to improve themselves and apologize to the people we hurt. It is said that in the midst of the Children of Israel have a man who worked as a fish catcher. He feed the child wife of the catch of fish. On one day he can mengkap a very big fish. He was very excited and said, "I'll go take this fish and will sell it. The money will I give to my family. "

On the trip he met an old man. The old man said to the penagkap fish. "Are you going to sell this fish. ? "

The fisherman said to himself, "If I katakana right, he'll buy it at half price."

He finally said, "No. I do not intend to sell it. "

The old man was hit with a wood on his back with a very painful blow. Then the old man seized the fish from him. Fish Penagkap pray by saying, 'My Lord, You created me in a strong and brave. O Lord, take my rights from him in this world because I'm not going to wait until the next day arrived. "

Meanwhile, people who take the fish home to his house and told his wife to burn the fish. After cooking, the fish brought his wife to her husband. When he extended his hand to eat, the fish opened its mouth and bit his finger with a strong man. She could not help and in pain because the fish bite. He complained about it to a doctor and told him what had happened. The doctor said, "This radius must be cut so the pain does not spread to the wrist."

Then his fingers dipotonglah. However, the pain moved to his wrist. The pain got worse so he was shivering with pain in the muscles. Physician said, "Wrist hand must be cut so that the pain does not spread into the forearm."

Then again dipotonglah wrist. However, the pain moved to his forearm. Doctor said, "The arm beneath your hands should be cut so the pain does not spread to the shoulder."

Then again dipotonglah forearm hand. However, the pain had moved to the shoulder. With a puzzled face for it, he prayed to the Lord to be given instructions for what happened. He saw a tree. He approached the tree and slept underneath. Suddenly, in his dream, he saw someone said to him, "O the poor, how far would you cut your hand. Go to people who have taken the fish and you have the willingness to him. "

The man then woke up and thought he remembered and said, "I have deprived the fish of others by force. I've hit a panangkap fish. And the fish that have been bitten. "

He got up intending to go into town. He's looking for the fishing and he was found. He knelt in front of the fisherman, gave him a small fortune, and apologized for his actions. Eventually, the fishermen had forgiven him. Instantly, the pain of loss he suffered.

At night he slept with a feeling of reconciliation diranjangnya and regretted his actions. He was sleeping peacefully. On the second day, come down mercy from their Lord. His hand healed back to normal thanks to the power of his Lord. Then the revelation came down to Moses: Moses, for my glory, my perfection, and my power, if a man is deprived of the right do not feel willing him, surely I would torture him all his life.

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