Saturday, November 21, 2009


Many say that poor people can not be trusted. But not made by Muhammad Yunus. Poor people to do certain pembianaan proved more reliable. The crisis in Indonesia has proven that conglomerates less reliable.

Muhammad Yunus started from in 1976, when he reached into his own pocket for $ 27 loaned to a group of poor craftsmen in the town of Jobra Bangladesh. To encourage groups of other poor, the economics professor is willing to be guarantors to the Bank Conventional, so Jeffrey Gangemi writes in Business Week Online. Professor Muhammad Yunus tried to meet with bank managers in the Chittagong University campus and recommend to lend money to poor groups are. "You crazy? It's not possible. How could we lend money to poor people? They are not eligible to receive credit "the bank manager said. "At least try., Who knows .. after all the money involved was small." Persuaded Muhammad Yunus. "I will not. Our rules do not permit it.They can not give guarantees, and that small amount is not worth lending. Try to find a more competent officials than me "said the manager. Muhammad Yunus and then after a few days to get around the bank officials who may be asked to work together to give credit to the poor, and eventually bring results on the condition that Muhammad Yunus as a guarantor. The bank officials said "The poor people who receive the money will not return". "I'll try" said Jonah. It turned out that groups of poor people can be trusted and return the money to Muhammad Yunus, and then he met bank manager who was on campus to ensure that poor groups can be trusted. The bank manager said: "Oh do not be gullible. They are fooling you. Try it, they'll be more money and would never give it back to you ". Muhammad Yunus lent more money and well turned out and return it to the bank manager told them. The bank manager commented "Well, maybe you could do this in one village, but if you do these two villages will not work." Then Jonah made to two villages and it also worked well. With a deposit of money and report to the Manager of the Bank, the Bank manager commented again that this will not work for five villages. And Yunus proved that for five desapun also running.

Muhammad Yunus's mind finally came to establish the Bank for the poor and October 2, 1983 that he stood Bank aspire, namely the Grameen Bank. Bank for the poor people have now lent $ 5.1 billion to 5.3 million poor people. May we terketuk heart to be another Muhammad Yunus in this beloved Indonesia.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that balances the company's profits to social and environmental aspects. "Modern Company is a company that should transform itself into a social institution" said Berle and Means in his book The Modern Corporation and Private Property. Rachel Carson in her book Silent Spring states that pesticides can kill the environment and life, then the company must be aware of the environment, because the damage to the environment will bring destruction together. The book Beyond the Bottom Line, writing Courtney C. Brown emphasized the social responsibility for the company in addition to seeking profits and the environment is concerned.

In 2004, the company was named the No. 1 for this CSR is Fannie Mae. These companies buy mortgages from local lenders and make the package to be sold as securities. In 2003, more than $ 240 billion mortgage-financed homes, 1.6 million are earmarked for the purchase of minority first time home. This priority increases 60% every year. Even $ 10 million from Fannie Mae in cooperation with Islamic financial institutions to open housing in Southern California for the Muslims. Payment system using sharia system.

Proter & Gamble is a company that occupied the No. 2. The company was assessed a special service to minorities, women and society. The company is helping the disadvantaged youth in Vietnam, combat children malnutrition in India and providing assistance to the earthquake in Turkey.

Companies that will survive in the long run is a company like Fannie mae and Procter & Gamble, which cares for the poor or people in trouble and friendly to the environment. Instead the company is not sensitive to people who are not lucky, even get rid of them, criticize them, hurt them, mngambil their rights, their blood spilled and no friendly with the environment and corporate arrogance, then the company will not be short-lived and will go bankrupt.

"Do you know a bankrupt? They said, bankruptcy (bankruptcy) is a person who does not have the money or objects, then the Prophet said: "The definition is in bankruptcy for my people who came to the Day of Resurrection with prayer zakat, fasting but this is always critical, menunduh it, eat this stuff, the blood shed it, beat it, then the virtue of charity and diambillah given to people who have been hurt and if still not enough reward, then sin than those who hurt will be taken and charged to them. "The word of Allah s.a.w.

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One cause of the collapse caused the company executive arrogance, among other things, the oil company Enron, Polaroid company and the company Webvan. As a result, Americans no longer believe in big companies to new levels.
America's New Economic and promising era of new prosperity is not limited. ''But it was groundless,''Mark Ingebretsen writes in his book Why Companies Fail.
Pride led to a dominating leader or even glorify the megahan demoralize or discourage other people and their motivations. Love of self or attitude of excessive self-praise like that, make a very lonely person. This attitude is also a contributing factor in the formation of fanaticism.
Zealots, mistakenly believe that they have special access to the truth. In business, as well as in politics and religion, this attitude can lead to dogma, narrow vision and often a disaster and prevent the emergence of a good strategic thinking.
Thought as contained in the Zohar and Marshall's writings in his book called Spiritual Capital: Wealth We Can Live By Using Our Rational, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence to Transform Ourselves and Corporate Culture.
Instead of humility expressed by the Harvard Business Review, as one of the two main qualities that a leader can turn a good company to be the best. In addition, the company will also increase from mediocrity to sustained excellence.
Another virtue of these leaders, is a firm resolve. Sam Walton the founder of Wal-Mart, with a modest and humble to visit the front lines (salesman) of every Wal-Mart stores throughout his life. He even midnight mengabiskan unloading didok and talk to the crew.
Sam Walton's leadership style is close to the employee, coloring corporate culture of Wal-Mart today. In 2003, Wal-Mart was selected as number one company of the most amazing world, Fortune magazine.
Narrated by Ka'b al-Ahbar that Allah said: O Moses, do you understand why I'm talking directly to you?. Moses: Thou omniscient about it all. God: I know every human heart, but never saw a lower heart heart like your heart, that's why I'm talking directly to you.
Narrated by Ibn Wahab Munabbih, that one man from the Children of Israel are always worship God for seventy years does not stop but only a few years. At one time they pray to God but God did not grant it, and Allah said: "O son of Adam, humility is better than praying for seventy years.".
Actually, if there are schools that can make us pass the secret service or the nature of humility to God. These humble school named Fasting Ramadan

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The secret of life is to give "said Anthony Robbins in his book Unlimited Power. Most people just thinking about how to become an effective leader. Sometimes more important, the process to become effective leaders missed. Just think how do I get instead of thinking how to give. One high peruguruan leader said to me "Mr Yanto my men to whom it was hard work. Just lazy ". But when I asked his men, why they do not want their hard work to answer "Mr Chairman we never noticed". Leader and his men are both trying to get is not given.

If you say to the land "Give us the plant. Give us vegetables. Give us rice. Then the land will answer "I'm sorry. Maybe you're wrong. You do not know me. Even you have never addressed, let alone give something to us. You should have watered us, treat us and our menggemburkan, only then we give the plants, vegetables, rice to you ". Also applies in leadership like that. You are able to get a big salary, supervise subordinates who can manage the many and great company. But if you only do in order for yourself, then you are not really an effective leader. You are not really powerful. You do not really manage a large company, even you do not have any power. If you wish to climb the ladders of success alone, then you may be slipping and no one helped.

Habits of mind to get this is what has been ingrained in our lives. Indeed we must change the paradigm of thinking to get into giving. Especially if we give willingly, it will make us, leaders who have extraordinary powers.

"When God created the earth but the earth is always moving then placed on top of the mountain, so quiet and not move anymore, so the Angels marveled and said: O Allah, whether from makhlukMu no stronger than a mountain?. God answered: "Yes, steel is stronger. They asked again: What is stronger than iron?. God replied: Yes, fire is more powerful. They asked again: Did any of makhlukMu stronger than fire?. God replied: Yes, the water is stronger. They asked again: Yes, God is there something more powerful and harder than water?. God replied: Yes, there are stronger winds. They asked again: Is there anything more powerful than the wind?. God replied: Yes, there, son of Adam who bershadaqah with his right hand is stronger than he was hiding. "Word of the Prophet narrated by Anas Ibn Malik.

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Unfortunate fall like a body full of dirt. Rise again and sweep the dust from our bodies are full of dirt and start from scratch again we have to do. But the wisdom of such a conflict with the existing culture at the company today. Should not make a mistake, should not exceed a predetermined budget is tight and should not be not to achieve predetermined targets. If targets are not met then there is no bonus. Currently there are no companies that provide bonuses to the error. Because of the company, work ethic there is if you make a mistake, you will get a penalty. This is one of the main reasons for the widespread atmosphere of fear that dominates the corporate culture, writes in the Zohar and Marshal of Spiritual Capital.

Even more profound, taking advantage of the misfortune requires recognition of a tragic fact that not all problems have solutions, not all differences can be reconciled, even so, we must be able tp go like this gives maju.Pengakuan profound wisdom and maturity, a feeling that I had made peace with life, or at least feeling that I have given a great resistance to life. In turn, faced with tragedy or failure light will help to build a fundamental belief in life and because it helps improve the ability to live with uncertainty.

Conversely people who can not use a positive misfortune into teperosok usually self-pity, feeling victimized, or blaming others. Companies like looking for a scapegoat to blame or be fired to show this phenomenon. The inability to accept failure or suffering will cause feelings of despair and defeat. This was all caused further damage in the form of a permanent defense and cynicism, rather than cause improvement. This can lead to over and over she repeated the same mistake.

Adversity can be modified with true success as practiced by the prophet Moses when God called to Mount Mount: "O Lord, which of the places in heaven the most you like?". He said: "O Moses, Hazhiratul Qudsi." Then Moses asked, "O Lord, who lives there?". He said "The people who experience misfortune". "O Lord called their properties to" request the Prophet Moses. He said "O Moses, they are people who, when afflicted with trials, they were patient, whereas if they are unfortunate, they say we really belong to God and in whom we come back. They are the people who live in Hazhiratul Qudsi (Ar-Raudhah).

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