Thursday, November 12, 2009


Great leader and a brilliant achievers believe that he himself created his world. Genesis was good or bad is they who created it. "I was responsible with this incident" they said. But you think otherwise kalu that everything happens for a victim of circumstance, then you put yourself as an object rather than subject. So what happens you will suffer and not think, behind the failure was still a chance.

Responsible is a leader kemantangan size. Responsible to lead men to trust their leaders that can cause tremendous synergy. John F. Kennedy is one such leader. When an incident Bay of Pigs, which is a crime that should never have happened, he menyatak the American people that the incident is under its responsibility. When it was spoken to the people, the Kennedy changed from politician to be a true leader. Kennedy did what he had done every great leader. "Those who are responsible is in power and those who avoid the responsibility that is not powerless" said Anthony Robbins.

My experience as a leader in one of the small of my small company was also taught that the responsibility can actually solve the problem. When one small institution which I led, the students held a demonstration for me to dismiss three of my employees who act arrogant to them, then I say to students who demonstrate it. First, I thank you for the students care about this institution and this institution berkeinginanan to be better in service. Secondly, I acknowledge my responsibility for the employee. If the students do want to get fired so before being fired, I was ready to be fired first. Then the students said that was not my preferred, but these three employees.
"To fire the employee for me as a leader easy, living made SK layoffs, but the third employee is a source of family income. If I fired, how his wife, son and how they support his family. Especially now in a crisis situation to get a new job they must have trouble "I replied. It turned out that my answer is to touch the hearts of the students, then they say "Well Mr. Yanto, then at least the employee is given a strong warning, so no more arrogant". "I will try to give warnings and educate" I replied. Finally, the issue can be done with peace and the students apologize to me. I also forgive them.

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Improve Business Spirit

Justice is fairness, honesty, sincerity is not biased. According to Ibn Khaldun, development can not be achieved except through justice and justice is the measure used to evaluate human God,Abu Yusuf explains the justice to the caliph Harun al-Rashid as saying''bring justice to those harmed and remove tyranny will increase revenue, accelerate the development of the country, and bring blessing, as well rewarded in the afterlife.''
Successful leaders are serious in achieving justice. They'll say something and try to execute it. They execute by using the principles of justice, not indiscriminately.
Surely everyone wants to be treated fairly, but many among us who ignore this principle of justice. Especially when the decision-making, we get the pressure that makes us not be fair.
The successful leader, has the ability to remain fair, despite the pressure. Being fair is very difficult, not all of us were able to perform at a company or organization.
Leaders who see the world successfully use the principle of equality. All people are equal, then the principle of justice is the coveted leader of his men. When leaders do not do justice, it will destroy the world, will destroy the men and will lead to distrust subordinates to leaders, and would discourage business.
Morale is a rare item. Competition tighter business, did not rule out the employee becomes a victim as a result of the new strategy to win the competition. If it was so, the business spirit of employees will decrease.
In the U.S., Europe and even in Indonesia trying to find the business spirit of the employees, after long forgotten. Various pressures coming from various directions that threaten morale killing a productive and creative as well as destroy it to rubble tidakpercayaan interrelatedness cynical, narrow selfishness and damage that will cause despair. In this work, too many people who feel unsafe, threatened and unappreciated.
KLA Instruments corporate leaders, Ken Levy, uses the principle of justice, when the company is experiencing difficulties. He said in a meeting:''On this day I wanted cut payroll 10 percent, but because I got the biggest paycheck, so please cut 20 percent.''
Despite allegations, people who attended the meeting instead of being upset because it was cut, but even they agree and employees to keep working hard. Employee morale is not down, but it increased sharply, because the leaders use the principles of justice.
My experience led more than 20 business units are also taught that way. When one of my business unit in very difficult conditions, so I asked to cut my salary 50 percent, while employees I asked to be patient, if the receiving salaries late and there was no increase in salary. Employees continue to work hard, their morale increases and eventually found new products and new strategies that cause them survive and get out of the crisis

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Greatness ekekutif company one of the reasons the company collapse. In 2002, the company has oil tdiketahuin Enron collapse, because its executive employees tehadap repugnant behavior by firing employees en masse, but behind it was reported the company was still able to find funds to finance the $ 200,000 luxury box at what was once called Enron Field. Polaroid Company, reported to cancel retiree health benefits, retired before the company's petition, contrary manajemdilaporkan petition the bankruptcy court to be allowed to give $ 19 million in bonuses to executives in order not to leave the company. Likewise, companies that pay Webvan CEO who mendurkan himself $ 375,000 annually for life, before the company ceased operations are to lay off employees. Thanks to the incidents publicized uproar about executive greed and arrogance, Americans no longer believe in the big companies to new levels. America's New Economic and promising era of new prosperity is not limited. But it was groundless, Mark Ingebretsen writes in his book Why Companies Fail. "Many top executives tend to establish the distance to the front lines. The bigger the company, the more likely the top executives lose contact with the front line. This could be the single most important factor that inhibits the growth of the company "says Jack Trout. The experience of the failure of the world's top executives can be used as a very valuable lesson and we do not repeat again. But instead, founder Sam Walton as Wal-Mart, with a modest and humble to visit the front lines (salesman) of every Wal-Mart stores throughout his life. He even mengabiskan midnight unloading didok and berbicaran the crew. Sam Walton's leadership style is close to the employee coloring corporate culture of Wal-Mart today. In 2003, Wal-Mart was selected as number one company of the most amazing world, Fortune magazine.

Similarly, when Umar went to Sham Khatab camel ride along with his assistants. Umar took turns with the attendants in the climbing camel. When Umar camel ride, then the assistant who holds the rope, otherwise if the camel ride attendant who holds the rope Umar, and so on until the destination. When he arrived at Sham Omar's turn came to pull the rope, on the way the camels' Umar held the rope and slippers tucked under the left armpit. Governor of Syria, Abu Ubadah know and say, 'O Commander of the Faithful, the authorities have come out Syam your pick, then it does not deserve when they see you like this. "Umar said," It is with Islam because we have to be noble, it does not matter what people say ". Leaders who lead with humility is a noble leader in both the side of God and the human side.

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According Webter's New World Dictionary, the definition of strategy is the science of planning and determining the direction of military operations of large scale. Strategy is how to move troops into the most advantageous position prior to actual combat with the enemy.

Meanwhile, Jack Trout, in his book Trout On Stategy, the core of the strategy is to survive, perception, be different, competition, specialization, simplicity, realitas.Menggunakan leadership and good strategy is how to survive in a competitive world. Key to success is to understand the basics of business. Basic bisnisyang number one is to design and maintain a clear strategy and focused. "We've long been a very successful company, but success could be the worst enemy. We want to be careful that we are not too confident. Some people use the word arrogant. In such circumstances our success, we do not want to feel satisfied. We want to approach every day with a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo "said Arnold Langbo, CEO of Kellogg Company.

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Failure is a label that often we associate with an action that did not work and so applied, the label is making us say that is not capable. This decreases our enthusiasm to become a successful person. By the time we were little, failure has no meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and not be able to walk. Because to speak, write and walk to the failure of countless. Likewise in the business world can also mimic our failure in childhood and we can learn from the failures. Coca-Cola had failed in the first year sales. Sales conducted by placing the Coca-Cola in the beverage in the pharmacy and 73.96 dollars spent to promote through banner ads and coupons. Failure to make Coca-Cola create awareness of other media, the mass media has more power when compared to other media and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of joy. Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to the previous employer but did not receive a response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. After this product so no one was going to buy this product.

In 1993, Compaq which at the time as leader of the PC sales market, put through a price cut to compete with Dell. The result of Dell Computer loses 65 million dollars in the first six months, which caused nearly bankrupt. Dell learned from this failure. He tried to find other ways to sell computers. Finally, Dell made a very fundamental change in business process reengineering called. in business with the introduction of E-Commerce. In 1999, Dell can sell 1.7 million dollars per day on the website E-Commercnya. Dell shares rose 2000 percent in two years. Dell can compete with world class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-Nec. Even the market share and profits continue to rise and eventually became the largest PC seller in the world.

When I started the business with friends, sayapun repeated failure again. I started with the failure of a Salesman Book, telex Salesman by phone, and car salesmen pengkilap materials. Primagama who only got 2 students in this campaign has done a fairly intense. CV. Wijaya, the company that serves the car care services that eventually die. Similarly, business start computer education center "IMKI", just get AMIKOM 3 students and trusted by only 6 students. I'm with my friends trying to learn from failure, then make corrections and improve mecoba for success.

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According to Jack Trout in his book Trout on Strategy, one of the core of the strategy is the perception. Company a competitive advantage, in fact are the hallmarks of communication. So the problem is a problem in competing in the communication. Positioning strategy is in fact the communication strategy. Advertising is a form of communication, from the standpoint of recipients, built in a low appreciation. If you succeed in the advertising, you're likely to succeed in business, religion, political or lainyang activity requires mass communication. Positioning is a concept that changed the authenticity of the ad, a simple concept that makes people face difficulties in understanding its power. Positioning starts with a product, goods, services, companies, or people.

But positioning is not something you do with the product. Positioning is something you do to prospective customers mind, which is placing the product on the prospect's mind. So a mistake when calling this concept as "product positioning". Just as you do something about the physical product. Was also wrong if the positioning does not involve a change. But these changes are changes to the name, price and packaging of the product rather than as a whole.
Basically there are changes that will be performances with the aim of ensuring a more valuable position in the perception of potential customers. Merupakah also positioning the first body of thought that are designed to hold a hearing problem in our society who flooded information. The only defense a person has in society is a very simple idea. So the best approach to be taken someone in the community is a simple message. John Sculley, former chairman of Apple Computer says "Everything we have learned in the industrial era tend to create more severe complications. I think more and more people are aware that you have to do to simplify, not vice versa. This idea is very Asian, that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication ".
ProXL use the word "not just talk", Polytron with "The others through" and RCTI "Add right". Who won the perception of the consumer's mind is winning the competition, because the perception is one of the core of the strategy ..

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