Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Entrepreneurs are people who respond to any changes in the environment in a creative and innovative. Any kind of environment does not cause problems, including crisis since responded to creative and innovative. Thus, behind the emergence of difficulties or the threat there is also a promising opportunity. Creativity is the ability to present ideas or new ideas. While innovation is the application of ideas or new ideas.
We all really are creative beings, but because creativity is rarely practiced on a regular basis, then this creativity eventually become paralyzed, the muscles like a man who was never trained. The results of the tests to measure creativity in different age groups showed this. George Land reported in the Break-Point and Beyond, that the 5-year-olds scored 98%, 10-year-olds scored 32%, 15-year-olds scored 10%, and adults 42 years of age scored only 2%. This happens because the children make creative thinking skills as a routine activity. They are always watching and asking and his favorite question is "Why?". Sometimes these children do not believe what adults say to them to test themselves and their own conclusions. When my first child was three years old asked his mother "Mom. Heaven is like what? ". Her mother said "If we ask for food, the food came alone. If we want to come drink then drink alone ". My children spontaneously responded "yes ma'am restaurant Rich". My wife got these answers, smiling. Even I can not question less interesting. When I came home from work, children who suddenly gives me guess. "Pak. Five tennis balls fell in a so what? ". "Four" I replied. "One Pak. That really be a rabbit "he said. "How?" I asked with amazement. "Yes. Because pocus "she replied innocently. Apparently he saw the magic that turns on the TV tennis ball into a rabbit. Even a very brilliant idea that came from a toddler when the child was walking at night, then he tripped over a stone because of the dark, spotan he said "there is light harusny shoes". This idea inspired shoemaker existing lights. This is an extraordinary creativity. Indeed in the end the children will learn to follow adult rules and make an informed without again. By following the rules and restrictions are actually adults we have to limit our creativity. But the question remains, menaruik conclusions and see things from a new perspective, like the children, we will remain creative and innovative.

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Imitation strategy is the strategy that mimics the strategy of other companies. In his book Managing imitation strategy, Steven P. Imitation strategy Schnaar classifies into four types. Imitation strategy is the first type of piracy strategy. Companies that perform this kind of imitation strategy to sell products with the brand and product design exactly the same so that the counterfeit products are often called. This strategy has dogolongkan illegal activities. Imitation strategy is the second type of cloning strategy. Companies using this strategy are really imitate an existing product, but given the other brands, for example in the field of children mainanan Tyco Toys issued a product that mimics SuperBlocks Lego. Tyco Toys Lego demands, but without success, because imitation Lego toys indeed there ever was in the 1940s in England. Strategy imitation third type is a strategy that mimics the design or trade dress mentioned, too. For example imitated by Adidus Adidas, Adidas symbol on the leaves number three, was at number two Adidus. Strategy imitation of the fourth is a creative adaptation strategies, namely copying existing products and developing or adapting to apply to the new environment. According to Theodore Levitt, is called innovative imitator imitator. This strategy is also referred to as a strategy of camouflage or disguise strategies.

For large companies, using a strategy of imitation is only used for short-term, such as Toyota's Lexus to compete with BMW and compete with Rinso Wings. While small companies are often used as a permanent strategy. Small brands in general when entering the market reach of major brands or regions that are difficult to reach by big brands. This strategy is suitable for the target market lower. By selecting the target market lower, then the lower cost strategy than the imitated brand. So Klin imitate Rinso packaging with prices 10 to 15% below Rinso, Oreo imitated by Rodeo, Mie Sedaap imitated by Supermi by issuing Sedaaap said, would sedaaapnya

Imitation strategy not only imitate in making products, but also imitate the strategy of promotion and distribution strategies. However, imitation strategy is only used at the beginning of it, if want to succeed in the long run. Because the marketing strategy, especially stretegi positioning is a strategy that puts a product that has a good position in the consumer's mind, so if companies continue to use this strategy for the long term this company will be a firm follower of it, will never be number one company or market leader if you only use imitation strategies.

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