Saturday, January 23, 2010


Losses-Losses will produce people who will take revenge, blind to the fact that the murder was suicide. Revenge is a double-edged sword, able to kill the enemy at once can kill themselves. There are people who become centered on the enemy, so totally obsessed with the behavior of his opponent to the point that becomes blind to everything but their desire for him to lose, hostile conflict, a philosophy which is very exhausting war. Lose-lose philosophy is also very dependent person, without direction from the inside, who suffer and think everyone else should suffer too. Instead, Win-Win is a frame of mind and heart continue to seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-Win means that agreements or solutions provide benefits beyond timbale. With a Win-Win solution, all parties are happy with the decision and felt bound by tindakaanya plan. Win-Win to see life as a cooperative arena, not competitive. Most people tend to think in dichotomies, strong or weak, hard or soft, manang or lose. However, such thinking is fundamentally flawed. This way of thinking based on power and position rather than on principle. Win-Win is based on the paradigm that there is a lot for everybody, that one person's success is not achieved at the expense or remove other people's success. Thus the word. Stephen R. Covey.

Think Win-Win is the habit of interpersonal leadership, which requires the exercise of the unique human gift, such as conscience, self-awareness, imagination and free will are framed with a noble morality and obedience to the Creator, Allah. Morals are the basis of the Win-Win and others built on the basis of morality is. Tenderness, kepemaafan, empathy with others, communicate with active listening, working hard and always bersrah to God is a noble character.
Empathic communication is communication with active listening, namely communication by responding to what was said, intended and the other person's feelings. Communication is the other person solve the problem alone. Empathic communication is a central circle of successful leadership. Once Ali ibn Abi Talib (in-law and nephew of the Prophet) asked the Messenger of his love to her and Fatimah (the Prophet's daughter). "O Messenger of Allah. why hast thou more than I love Fatima? "asked Ali. Prophet smiled and then answered "Yes Ali, I love Fatima's more than you, but I love you more than Fatima".


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