Saturday, November 21, 2009


One cause of the collapse caused the company executive arrogance, among other things, the oil company Enron, Polaroid company and the company Webvan. As a result, Americans no longer believe in big companies to new levels.
America's New Economic and promising era of new prosperity is not limited. ''But it was groundless,''Mark Ingebretsen writes in his book Why Companies Fail.
Pride led to a dominating leader or even glorify the megahan demoralize or discourage other people and their motivations. Love of self or attitude of excessive self-praise like that, make a very lonely person. This attitude is also a contributing factor in the formation of fanaticism.
Zealots, mistakenly believe that they have special access to the truth. In business, as well as in politics and religion, this attitude can lead to dogma, narrow vision and often a disaster and prevent the emergence of a good strategic thinking.
Thought as contained in the Zohar and Marshall's writings in his book called Spiritual Capital: Wealth We Can Live By Using Our Rational, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence to Transform Ourselves and Corporate Culture.
Instead of humility expressed by the Harvard Business Review, as one of the two main qualities that a leader can turn a good company to be the best. In addition, the company will also increase from mediocrity to sustained excellence.
Another virtue of these leaders, is a firm resolve. Sam Walton the founder of Wal-Mart, with a modest and humble to visit the front lines (salesman) of every Wal-Mart stores throughout his life. He even midnight mengabiskan unloading didok and talk to the crew.
Sam Walton's leadership style is close to the employee, coloring corporate culture of Wal-Mart today. In 2003, Wal-Mart was selected as number one company of the most amazing world, Fortune magazine.
Narrated by Ka'b al-Ahbar that Allah said: O Moses, do you understand why I'm talking directly to you?. Moses: Thou omniscient about it all. God: I know every human heart, but never saw a lower heart heart like your heart, that's why I'm talking directly to you.
Narrated by Ibn Wahab Munabbih, that one man from the Children of Israel are always worship God for seventy years does not stop but only a few years. At one time they pray to God but God did not grant it, and Allah said: "O son of Adam, humility is better than praying for seventy years.".
Actually, if there are schools that can make us pass the secret service or the nature of humility to God. These humble school named Fasting Ramadan


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