Abraham Harold Maslow was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He is the first child of seven brothers from a Jewish family who is uneducated immigrants from Russia. BA, MA and PhD in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin. Famous book written include Toward a Psychology of Being, Motivation and Personality, The Further reaches of Human Nature and the few articles published in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. The theory is Maslow's famous hierarchy of needs. Maslow's theory states that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy. These needs are physiological needs, safety and security, social, self-esteem and self-actualization.
Physiological needs is the need to eat, drink, shelter and freedom from pain. Safety and security needs is the need for freedom from the threat, the threat of the event or the environment. Social needs is the need for interaction, affiliates, friends and love. The need for self-esteem is the need for self-esteem and respect from others. Akutualiasasi self needs is the need for optimization of abilities, skills and potential.
Maslow assumes that people try to meet better the needs of basic (physiological) before directing the behavior that needs higher (self-actualization). Needs which have been met subsided power motivation. Maslow thought that people have a desire to move forward. This assumption may be true for some employees, but not for other employees.
Truth of this theory is still disputed, because it is not scientifically tested by Maslow. Maslow explains that only adults have to meet physiological needs of 85%, 70% safety and security needs, social needs of 50%, 40% need for self-esteem, and 10% self-actualization needs. The critics believe that thinking about the size of such satisfaction, no sense when talking about the satisfaction of blue-collar workers. The blue-collar workers just trying to stay alive.
The need to prioritize the needs for survival, the adequacy of any psychological risks will still try to accomplish. The emphasis on the needs of human causes and that the more greedy basis of capitalism today. "The practice of business with the capitalist culture was in crisis as a monster who preyed on his own. Capitalism and the business on the basis of capitalism is not sustainable and will have no future "said Zohar and Marshall.
At the end of his life, Abraham Maslow himself felt that it really needs is a pyramid made gluttons like this. Maslow's pyramid of needs revising, which needs the right pyramid is inverted, so that needs to be the main priority is self-actualization needs, which upholds the values, moral standards, beliefs and kindness and benefit to other human beings.
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