Analysis tool that is still powerful enough to find a country downs presented by Ibn Khaldun in 808 H. (1406) in his Prolegomena. Ibn Khaldun's contribution on economic principles with cross-disciplinary dynamic models (Chapra, 2000). The entire model can be summarized by Ibn Khaldun in his advice to the king as follows: (1) The power of sovereignty (al-mulk) can not be maintained except by implementing sharia, (2) Sharia can not be implemented except by a sovereign (al-mulk). (3). Sovereignty will not gain power unless supported by human resources (ar-rijal). (4). Human resources can not be maintained unless the property (al-mal). (5). Property can not be obtained except by the construction of (al - Imarah). (6). Development can not be achieved except by justice (al-adl). (7) Justice is the criterion (al-mizan) which God used to evaluate human and (8) Sovereignty contain loads of responsibility to uphold justice.
This advice, in Ibn Khaldun's own words, consists of eight principles (hikamiyyah sentence) of political wisdom, each connected to another to gain power, in a cycle path where the beginning and end can not be distinguished. This reflects the dynamic character and cross-discipline of Ibn Khaldun's analysis. He is cross-disciplinary as connecting all the political and socioeconomic variables are important, such as the Sharia (S), the political authority or wazi (G), human or rijal (N), or the mall property (W), development or Imarah (g) and justice or al-adl (j), in an interdependent rotation cycle, influencing each other and in turn will be influenced by others as well. Considering the operation of this cycle occurs in a chain reaction in a long perioede dynamism dimension included in the overall analysis and helps explain how political factors, moral, social, economic and continuously interact and influence the progress and setbacks or fall and built a civilization . In a long-term analysis such as this, do not apply ceteris paribus clause because no variables are constant (fixed). One of the variables to act as a trigger mechanism and the others can react in the same way, the whole in one sector will not permeate to other variables and this led to the possibility that the sectors diperbaikinya damaged along with travel time or the decline of civilization will occur slowly . Will occur sectors others reacted in the same direction with the trigger mechanism, the whole will gain momentum through a chain reaction of mutual berhubunghan so difficult to identify because of the effect. This causal cycle is called the Cycle of Justice which can be used as an analytic tool powerful enough.
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